
Water Resources MCQs

Social Science


Chapter 3

Water Resources


NCERT MCQs for Class 10 Social Science Chapter 3 – Water Resources. We Provided here for students to start their studies in the new session in the best way. With Important MCQ, Social Science will become an easy and interesting subject for class 10 students. We provided here MCQs to help students prepare the objective type questions for Board Exam And there competitive exams like CTET, UPTET, UGC NET And JRF PGT TGT etc.

Created on By Vishal Kumar

Water Resources MCQs

NCERT MCQs for Class 10 Social Science Chapter 3 - Water Resources. We Provided here for students to start their studies in the new session in the best way. With Important MCQ, Social Science will become an easy and interesting subject for class 10 students. We provided here MCQs to help students prepare the objective type questions for Board Exam And there competitive exams like CTET, UPTET, UGC NET And JRF PGT TGT etc.

1 / 36

Only 2.5 per cent of water on the Earth is fresh water.

2 / 36

22 per cent of India’s total electricity is produced from coal.

3 / 36

By 2025, nearly 2 billion people will live in absolute water scarcity ?

4 / 36

Which of the following social movements is not a resistance to multi-purpose projects?

(a) Narmada Bachao Andolan
(b) Tehri Dam Andolan
(c) Navdanya
(d) Chipko Movement

5 / 36

Which one of the following is not an adverse effect of irrigation?

6 / 36

The remote village that has earned the rare distinction of being rich in rainwater?

7 / 36

Bamboo drip irrigation system is prevalent in ?

8 / 36

In Western Rajasthan today plenty of water is available due to

9 / 36

Agricultural fields which are used as rainfed storage structures are called ?

10 / 36

Water of Bhakra Nangal Project is being used mainly for ?

11 / 36

Hirakud Dam is constructed on the _________ River ?

12 / 36

In Which River Bhakra Nangal Dam Is Situated ?

13 / 36

Which of the following are not causes of water scarcity?

(i) Growing population
(ii) Growing of water intensive crop
(iii) Expansion of irrigation facilities
(iv) Individual wells and tubewells in farms
(v) Water harvesting technique
(vi) Industries
(vii) Roof top harvesting system

14 / 36

According to Falken Mark, water stress occurs when___________?

15 / 36

Which is not a source of fresh water?

16 / 36

Which one of the following statements is not an argument in favour of multi-purpose river projects?

17 / 36

The diversion channels of the Western Himalayas are called ?

18 / 36

On which river is the Bhakra Nangal Dam located?

19 / 36

In semi-arid regions of Rajasthan the traditional system of storing drinking water in underground tanks are called _______?

20 / 36

Water scarcity occurs due to ?

(i) low rainfall in a region
(ii) large population
(iii) over-exploitation
(iv) unequal access

21 / 36

Water is a renewable resource because of _________?

22 / 36

Oceans contain _________ volume of water?

23 / 36

Which one of the following is not the example of Hydraulic structures in Ancient India?

24 / 36

Which one of the following is not the cause of water scarcity?

25 / 36

In which part or state of India people build diversion channels like ‘guls’ or ‘kuls’

26 / 36

The total volume of the world’s water is estimated to exist as ocean?

27 / 36

Roof top rainwater harvesting is the most common practice in ________?

28 / 36

On which river has Nagarjun Sager Dam been constructed?

29 / 36

How much percentage (%) of the Earth’s Surface is covered with water?

30 / 36

What is the rank of India in the world countries in the terms of Water availability per person ?

31 / 36

It is predicated that nearly 2 billion people will live in absolute water scarcity in the year of _______?

32 / 36

The first & the only state in India which has made Roof Top Rain water Harvesting Structured compulsory to all the across the state is ______?

33 / 36

Rain water is referred to

34 / 36

The following is the only state where roof top rain water harvesting is made compulsory?

35 / 36

Tungabhadra reservoir is across the river ________?

36 / 36

Nagarjuna Sagar dam is across the river?

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